ICF_REXwall_02-01The system uses both vertical (ICF REXwall) and horizontal (ThermoREX) elements. The vertical components are used for the construction of load-bearing walls, but also for the construction of external walls and internal partition walls. The horizontal elements are used to build the first floors, those in-between and the cover. The construction system is extremely versatile and flexible, adapting to the needs of both private and commercial buildings. The construction costs are strictly related with the construction time, that is much less compared with the traditional building methods. For what concerns the construction companies ,there are many advantages related to the handling of lightweight elements, differently from traditional construction systems, in which there is an inevitable negative impact on safety, speed and “building logic”.





The Jolly Pannel

The ICF REXwall system consists of a complete set of permanent formworks in Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). The panels can be easily assembled directly on the construction site using special spacers made of recycled plastic materials; the formworks can be customized accordingly to the structural needs of every specific project. The panels are assembled together in a reversible way, in order to reduce the installation time and the amount of waste created during the process. The spacers are created to strategically optimize the installation and the interlocking of the horizontal reinforcing bars, and to facilitate the subsequent insertion of the vertical reinforcing bars. During the installation process all the spacers are mechanically joined to the EPS panels in order to eliminate the chance that formworks accidentally lift up during the casting process. The internal surface with dovetail vertical sections is created for a perfect settling of the concrete. The external surface has vertical grooves and its particular full-height honeycomb pattern guarantees the adhesion of the plaster layer on its surface. The writing “ICF REXwall” highlights the 2,5 cm vertical support bar.

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The Jolly Pannel wind

The ICF REXwall System is characterized by a complete set of modular elements, among which the Jolly Pannel and the spacer represent the fundamental parts. The Jolly Pannel is a self-extinguishing (E Class) high-density EPS slab. It has 6 multi-section plastic tracks embedded in the insulation material. The useful dimensions of the Jolly Pannel are: 120 X 35 X 7/14c. Depending on the specific needs, it’s possible to combine the available insulation thicknesses in ten different ways, thus obtaining buildings with high energy efficiency and with no thermal bridges. To further improve the behavior of the ICF REXwall system during summer, it has been introduced in the market – and patented – a new element: the Wind Jolly Pannel. The Wind Jolly Pannel is the evolution of the traditional Jolly Pannel because some cavities have been obtained in the thickness of the external insulation layer, in this way allowing the creation of the first integrated ventilated wall using a formwork system.

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The spacer

ICF_REXwall_02-04The spacer guarantees the endurance of the system and determines the internal thickness of the reinforced concrete wall. In addition to this, the spacer is necessary to accommodate the horizontal reinforcing  bars. Each type of spacer makes possible to obtain three different masonry thicknesses, depending on the positioning inside the multi-section track eyelets: in this way with a single spacer it is possible to obtain three different masonry thicknesses. Each spacer is also geared with hooks that automatically stop at the multi-section track once inserted; this guarantees  the endurance of the system during the casting process, avoiding the “lift-up” problem.

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Integration of range

ICF_REXwall_02-05The Expanded Sintered Polystyrene (EPS) insulating slabs placed under the concrete load-bearing beams, are used also for the closing elements of doors and windows. The application of insulation slabs is one of the most common techniques that can significantly improve the thermo-hygrometric behavior of a housing unit. This prevents the occurrence of convective air motions between the walls, thus eliminating one of the major source of heat loss. A careful study of the Rexpol slabs thicknesses (including the choice of the most proper thermal resistance), allows the dew point to be moved towards the outside of the structure, completely eliminating the risk of interstitial condensation. We recommend to use only certified Rexpol slabs.

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